Embark on a magical adventure with this enchanting Disney Princess Snow White and Seven Dwarfs Royal Apron Set. Let your child's imagination run wild as they dress up as their favorite Disney Princess character and cook up a storm in the kitchen. The set includes an apron and hat, both adorned with colorful illustrations of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, adding an extra touch of fun to playtime. Perfect for young children who love to play dress-up, this apron set is made of high-quality materials and is designed to last. The set features Disney Princess branding and is suitable for children of all ages. Add an extra element of excitement to your child's playtime and let them channel their inner Snow White with this delightful apron set. see pictures for condition any questions please ask before buying... we require immediate payment on buy it now and any offers... We are more likely to accept a fair offer if said offer is payment backed like having a pre approved payment in the offer...all items are as is no returns thank you